

Introduction for foreign nationals with new UI No. to update personal information at our bank



In order to apply to the competent authority for the new UI No. replacement operation of Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency Republic of China (Taiwan). Remind you of the following


一、   中華民國內政部移民署自 110 1 2 日起,辦理外來人口「新式統一證


Starting from January 2, 2021, the replacement of new UI No. for foreign nationals is available at Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency Republic of China (Taiwan).

二、   請存戶本人(外來人士)攜帶原留印鑑及含有照片及新式統一證號之居留證明文件至本社各營業單位臨櫃辦理資料更新。

Depositors of foreign nationals at our bank are advised to come in person to any of our branches to update personal information.The orginal seal and Proof of residency document containing an ID photo and the new UI No. is required.

三、   因工作因素,存戶無法來社辦理,可洽由本社人員至客戶工作地點辦理變更事宜。

      Due to work factors, the depositor cannot come to the agency to handle the matter, and you can contact the staff of the agency to go to the client's work place to handle the change.

四、   提醒您,如您的統一證號與金融機構留存之證號不相符,除影響本年度所得稅


Please allow us to remind you: If your UI No. does not match the one documented by financial institutions, it will affect your income tax returns and payment of tax this year, your credit cards, insurance premiums, water and electricity bills, etc., which might cause payment failure.

五、   如有疑問請洽詢,業務室諮詢人員:陳先生  專線電話:04-7231151#207

If you have any questions, please contact Business room consultant

Mr. CHEN   TEL:04-7231151#207

六、   相關連結:內政部移民署「新式外來人口統一證號」專區

Related linksMinistry of the Interior National Immigration Agency Republic of China (Taiwan) (https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5382/5385/7445/238440/)


彰化第十信用合作社  敬啟